Samantha came out to the studio with me today. She's a great assistant. She sits there
and looks beautiful all day long. It's really nice to have a soft furry companion to keep
you on track. I finished a hand full of paintings under her supervision. LOL!
Faith, apply before flying. See instructions. Here's a close up
During these tough times it's so important to have faith. It's also very hard sometimes to
just totaly trust in God. I always want to pick up my troubles and worry over them. Time and time
again, I always find out how faithful our father is.
Here is another mixed media painting. This one is for my sister.
It's a work in progress. You can click on any of my pictures to see more detail.
Another work in progress. I'm not too happy with this one.
I just have to finish the wire work on this Paris one.
I'm really happy with how this last one came out. It's so rustic. These are all going to
be put in a shop for sale. I just have to be able to part with them.
I seem to have a problem letting go of artwork.
Oh, I know you want to know if I got that job. They had to discontinue the hiring process. AGAIN!
This is the second time this has happened. So, I didn't get it but I didn't not get it. Does that make sence? They probaly had some kind of hiring freeze. I'm not giving up hope.
Keep me in your good thoughts. It's not over yet.
Hugs to you all.